"We realized after a while, you know, six guys trying to work on this fight, operating all these arms is pretty difficult, so eventually it was just the backpack and they CGI'd the arms, but actually that makes it even harder because you're having to imagine where your arm is hitting and then reacting to that, but yeah, it was cool and as for the climbing, that was some wire work we did, which was really fun as well.Welcome to “BLOODSHOT ISLAND”! Stranded on a mysterious desert island, Bloodshot is running for his life! But as he tries to make sense of his surroundings, he’s quickly discovering that this is no ordinary tropical getaway? Surrounded by decommissioned relics of the same bloodstained project that created him - World War II Bloodshot, Cold War Bloodshot, Vietnam Bloodshot, and other antiquated experiments - Bloodshot is about to find out where Project Rising Spirit sends its old soldiers to die. "We had this amazing suit that was built by Weta and actually initially, when we started shooting, we had puppeteers and all these arms were actually moving and we started to shoot it like that," Heughan told.

His enhanced former soldier uses a technologically advanced rig which can only be compared to a Doc Ock type of outfit, something which Heughan opened up about experiencing from the set. In Bloodshot, Heughan's Dalton becomes a centerpiece of the film especially late in the game.

Throughout the film, viewers use #QuarantineWatchParty on Twitter and Instagram so that the conversation is easy to follow from home, allowing for new friends and connections, as well as the opportunity to gain insight or laugh with a few jokes. At 9pm ET on Tuesday night, everybody who wishes to attend the Quarantine Watch Party presses play on their downloaded edition of Bloodshot.