Comedy best movies 2017 hollywood
Comedy best movies 2017 hollywood

comedy best movies 2017 hollywood

Thor’s quest for survival leads him to a race against time to prevent the all-powerful Hela from destroying his home world and the Asgardian civilization. Imprisoned on the other side of the universe, the mighty Thor finds himself in a deadly gladiatorial contest that pits him against the Hulk, his former all, and fellow Avenger. The latest ‘Thor’ is an exponent of the common Marvel formula of light-hearted dramas with kick-ass action. 2017 was truly a year for superhero movies to transform into rational and narrative-driven flicks. This newest Marvel flick is perhaps the most surprising movie on the list, pleasantly though. Read More: Most Erotic Movies of All Time 9. Downey lights up the screen as usual, but it is Aunt May this time, who bags all the limelight. Keaton is as good as they come in the acting department, and the film certainly benefits from his tour-de-France effort. As he struggles to deal with his tiresome dual life, he has bigger problems lying ahead of him. The reboot of the Spider-man series sees Tom Hollander dons the spidey-suit to fight the bad guys, and has the billionaire-playboy-philanthropist Tony Stark besides him. And not the only Marvel’s special either. Not the only superhero movie on the list. Read More: Funniest Comedies of All Time 10. The flawed screenplay does have its moments, but those moments aren’t enough to make a cohesive, memorable movie. A mesmerizing piece of work, ‘Landline’ is deeply rooted in the slow-unfolding genre of movies, unveiling itself with pride.

comedy best movies 2017 hollywood

Little do they know that their ‘role-models’ are actually mutually exercising their right to freedom a bit too seriously. Two loving sisters grow up with their apparently loving parents. Full of surreptitious affairs and what not, The Jacobs certainly are a bad example of being role models. Read More: Best Comedy Movies of All Time 11.

comedy best movies 2017 hollywood

Sinfully funny and aesthetically charming, the brilliance of the film is shadowed by its glorious predecessor. Rocket’s mischiefs surface, as the group now has to evade a gazillion armadas. Their voyage continues, as the famed saviors of planet Earth find themselves placed (an Indian sighing), hired to protect valuables for a race called ‘the sovereign’. The awesome five-some are reunited, with Groot growing himself some long roots, and joined by a sixth, Nebula, the menacing sister of Gamora. Starting with ‘Parks and Recs’ the charming actor has seen no hindrances and has become almost a superstar in the industry. But it sure was thoroughly entertaining! Chris Pratt has emerged a comic paragon in the years gone by. Was it better than the first one? I highly doubt it.

Comedy best movies 2017 hollywood